Saturday, September 4, 2010

wash her with water through the word...

All posts from me (Patrick) are derived from a search through Matthew on how to love my wife more.

A husband can love his wife by discussing, teaching and continually seeking knowledge of God’s word. See the passage from Ephesians below.

“Husband’s love you wives, just as Christ love the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word…..”

Ephesians 6:25-26

As I read through Matthew there are many passages that Christ is teaches the disciples,

- Beatttudes, Matt 5-7

- Jesus sends out the 12, Matt 10

- Parable of the mustard seed, Matt 13

First, I should be clear on what I am not saying. I am not suggesting that we as husbands are better, just created as a stronger vessel and called to lead our wives as Christ does the church.

What I am saying…

Discussing: The word of God should continually be on our lips, our decisionmaking should be inline with the word. When we talk about our kids, work, life, we should as husbands draw our wives to Christ in this way.

Teaching: It is very important that we study and understand the bible, such that we can lead our families in the knowledge of Him. In Matthew alone, there are many examples of Christ teaching the disciples. We as husbands are responsible to lead and guide our families.

The above are useless unless we spend time with God, you might be able to fake it for a while but the truth will come out. You must run after the Lord with everything and only then can you truly “wash her in the water of the word” in other words love!

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