Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest...."

I am sitting in my quiet house, all the kids are asleep and Patty is at a women's bible/prayer group. This idea of needing rest from a given activity is a bit foreign to me. To explain, let me tell you of a typical day for...

4:19AM - get up and go swim
6:45 AM -4:30 PM - Work
5:00 PM - Home, play w/kids, dinner, play w/kids, kids bedtime routine, read or watch something with Patty

7:00 AM - get up
7:30-8:30 AM - feed and dress kids
8:30-9:00 AM - Prepare for 1 of 8 therapy appoints a week for abby
9:00 AM - Play with kids
9:30 AM - Breakfast if possible
???? - Therapy
Noon - play/Feed Kids
2:00 PM - Lunch, laundry, cleanup, etc
??? - Therapy
4:30 PM - Kids and fix dinner
6:00 PM - Eat dinner
7:00 PM - Baths, clean up, storytime, etc
8:30 PM - SIT DOWN

Sure I do need some rest, and the fact is I get it a lot. Quiet drives to work, uninterrupted lunches, etc.

I as Patty's husband often neglect her NEED for rest. Christ recognized the need for the weary to have rest. Therefore, I commit to working harder when I get home, helping with kids more, cleaning, listening, and finding more time for her to get a away by herself. To date, her alone time is going grocery shopping. As a husband, by example of Christ, we must love our wives by providing a time of rest. Christ did, but for me it just seems to be about me, instead of her...


  1. This sounds like there might be a challenge involved in this post about making sure our wives get more real "rest". Are you up for it, Sissy?

  2. I'm assuming this is your post for last week...it doesn't count for next week.
