Saturday, August 21, 2010

Again Compassion

As I read through Matthew, examples of Christ's love are shown through compassion for his people. (This topic has been posted before, see 8-3-2010) Below are just a few examples.

Matt 20:29-31 - Healing blind men
Matt 14:13-21 - Jesus feeds five thousand
Matt 9:35-38 - Compassion for the helpless and harassed

Jesus was very sympathetic to those who were mistreated, suffering, hurting, disabled, hungry, poor, etc. He was compassionate to the people of society that we go out of our way to avoid. If you see a homeless man do you try to walk around and not make eye contact? What about when someone is begging at a red light, do you pretend to be busy and ignore them? What about the disabled adult or child? Well as a parent of a disabled child I PREFER that people come and talk to her instead of pretending she does not exist. Our wives (Mine: Patty and Dave's" Gracie) both have disabled children. My conclusion is that showing love to my wife as Christ loves the church is loving the unlovely, poor, homeless and especially the disabled.

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