Wednesday, October 20, 2010

No limits...

Reading through John's account of the passion of Christ, when read with the question, "What example did Christ's love for His church set for us as husbands loving our wife?" was a little intimidating.  I don't think we can ever say "enough" about what is required of our love for our wives.  Christ didn't just die a death, He died a terrible death because of His love for us, and He walked steadily and intently toward that death with His eyes fully opened.

I know at times I feel like I have done "enough" to be a "good husband".  But...I am wrong.  I am not aiming to be a "nice" husband, I am aiming for Christ's love for my wife.  I fail constantly, but that doesn't change the goal.  This relationship with my wife is my God-given opportunity to choose to be like Him and allow His providential choices for me to mold me into what He created me to be.  Any time I think or feel "enough", I am choosing to reject His work in my life.

All of this has revealed my almost incapacitating selfishness compared to Christ's love, and I need His help!

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