Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Renewed Minds

Luk 12:34  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Reading through the Gospels, trying to figure out how Christ loved the church, I can see several ways, several trends.  One of those trends, or ways that Christ loved His church was by redirecting their focus to the TRUE.  He is constantly trying to help them see life from the true perspective, and to set their hearts on things that are real and eternal. 

This did not seem to mean that they were to ignore the world around them in order to look at the spiritual world only, but rather, that the truths of an eternal nature were to rightly align how they dealt with the incarnational life that they had been given.  Christ’s life…his human life, is a prime example.  THE prime example, I should say.  The fact that God chose to become human is itself a fact of intense meaning for us.  It seems to show us that we, as Christians are not to be trying to become NOT human, but rather that the divine reality of God can be expressed in our human lives.

So as we look in Scripture and the Spirit gives us understanding, it is not so that we can live disembodied lives, but rather so that He can transform our understanding of what it means to be human, so we can live our lives for His glory.

We set our minds on things above, considering what is true, and then live our lives in light of those truths, storing up for ourselves treasure based on the realities of eternity, as we live our lives with our families. 

So as husbands, I propose that under the headship of Christ, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and then lead our families accordingly

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